For soon-to-be parents, one of the most exciting purchases to consider is the baby stroller. After all, this is what you're going to use to get your new baby around in. If you're wondering how to choose a stroller that's best for your baby and lifestyle, this helpful guide will steer you in the right direction. A baby stroller that's suited to your needs will give you the flexibility to go places with your infant from birth up through the toddler years.

When can a baby go in a stroller?
A baby stroller (often called a buggy or a pushchair in the UK) is generally suitable from birth up until toddler age, or when your little one can walk longer distances – usually around three years. You can find various types of strollers, depending on the size of your baby and family, as well as your needs.
What are the different types of baby strollers?
There are five basic stroller designs to choose from. Read on to see some pros and cons for each one.
- Full-sized stroller
Pros: A good all-rounder that's big and sturdy and will adapt as your baby grows. These designs typically come with a bassinet option for use up until six months old and then convert into a stroller that's suitable up to toddler years.Cons: Not good for families with limited storage space, as these can be bulky. They can also be heavy to transport.
- Lightweight/umbrella stroller
Pros: Designed for easy transporting, these strollers weigh less than full-size designs and can be folded down neatly. Cons: These are not an all-rounder option. They're often designed for use from six months and don't generally adapt as your little one grows.
- Jogging stroller
Pros: Designed for active days out, these strollers typically have big, sturdy tyre wheels and good suspension. You can literally go for a jog with your baby.Cons: These tend to be wider than other models, and this can make manoeuvering tricky at times.
- Double stroller
Pros: Ideal for baby number two with a toddler in tow or if you're expecting twins. A double stroller has two seats (either one in front of the other or side-by-side) and offers extra storage for nappy changing bags.Cons: These are big and heavy and can sometimes be difficult to manoeuvre through narrow doorways.
- Car seat/stroller combo
Pros: These make life easier when transferring your baby from the car into their stroller. You simply convert the car seat into a stroller by clipping it into place on the stroller's frame.Cons: Your newborn shouldn't sleep in these for long periods, as they can't push down flat. Also, your little one will outgrow the car seat after a few months.
If you plan on using a stroller from birth, you should choose a bassinet style that allows your baby to lie flat while you push them around. This will help support your newborn's back, ensure proper development of their spine and hips and allow them to breathe optimally.

How long can you use a bassinet stroller for?
Bassinet strollers typically last up until six months old. Whether you choose to invest in one depends a lot on your lifestyle and situation. Do you need something foldable and compact for a city flat, or do you have room for a larger buggy? If you like going on long walks and want to continue doing so soon after the birth, then a bassinet is a good choice. If you plan on transporting your baby more often by car, you might consider purchasing a 3-in-1 car seat carrier/travel system that includes both lie-flat and sitting function and lasts beyond six months.
When can a baby sit facing forwards in a stroller?
Babies should only face forward in a stroller once they gain good support in their neck and shoulders and can hold their own heads up. This is typically between four to six months old. At this age, your little one will appreciate looking out at the world and engaging with others from their buggy.
Now that you've learned a bit more about strollers and the different designs available, why not check out some designer baby buggies, such as the [Hugo BOSS stroller]? We've also got plenty of designer baby accessories, including changing bags and Hugo BOSS kids clothing to match this model. This way, your little one will be all kitted out for a stylish stroll in the park or shopping centre.